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Of course we all want to be loved.

We make up stories about how we are not feeling loved, often the other persons efforts mean nothing unless their love “fits our pictures”. We want to have “that special person” tell us, or show us. We keep telling our story getting upset and pushing other people away because it does not look like our “fantasy love story”.

I have a story about not being loved by a family member, that I have been telling for the last few months. It is time for me to get over it and start feeling all of the love that is around me. I have been spraying “Release” to let go of my upset, now it is time to start spraying “Love” to open my heart and receive more love into my life.

I also get to start loving my family member unconditionally. I forgot that they are God’s perfect child, choosing their life, and it’s none of my business. I have no right to judge them as wrong because their actions do not fit my pictures. I feel as if I have been dragging a suitcase around that is filled with all of my stories and it’s getting very heavy. Time to let it go and start using “Creating Relationship” to develop my new Love story.   It’s up to me to change my story, let go of my reasons and forgive myself and them.
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So Spray a little “Love” in your life and let me know how it works for you.

You can buy a bottle of Love or Creating Relationship until February 28 for $12 plus postage–just call me a 800-213-7484 or email me at magsflowers@ earthlink.net

Happy Valentines Day.
